Transition from school to employment

“What is the next step once school is finished? We counsel and accompany you regarding all questions about the transition from school to work: From the first orientation to searching for an internship and the transition to an apprenticeship, employment or a different program. Why us? The vocational integration of students with the need for support has been our forte for years, and we are excited to help you move forward. So: Shape your future with us – free of charge and straightforward. We are looking forward to meeting you!"

Transition from school to employment

You’ll be finished with school soon and these thoughts are passing through your head:

I don’t know what to do.

I need to do an internship but I don’t know where.

How do I get an apprenticeship?

I don’t need help but I kind of do.

Then you are at the right place. We counsel, accompany and support students with the need for support concerning the topic of transitioning from school to work – free of charge and straightforward.

What is our goal?

When transitioning from school to employment many important questions arise and you have to make decisions that can be hard. We want to - and can - help you on your path. Our goal is to find what is right for you together with you. So that you can do what you want to do after school. Curious?

How do we work?

We tailor our work to your skills and needs. We support you in your development, so that you can make your own appropriate decisions and put them into practice. It’s an individual path that all persons involved shape together: parents, schools, companies and the rehabilitation team of the employment agency.

Our work:

  • Is structured so that you can understand it
  • Values your self-determination and right to have a say
  • Is oriented towards your individual abilities
  • Focuses on tangible solutions
  • Is based on the cooperation between all important persons and institutions

What exactly do we do?

This list shows the most important tasks our work consists of:

  • Initial counseling
  • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
  • Vocational guidance
  • Search for an internship
  • Support during an internship
  • Support during an apprenticeship, employment or a different program
  • Accompaniment to administrative offices
  • Support and information for employers
  • Networking and public relations

Who are our clients?

We offer our services to students in schools for children with disabilities, inclusive education schools and vocational schools in the vocational preparation year (in Mainz and the administrative district Mainz-Bingen). You and your caregivers, teachers, and consultants at the employment agency decide your participation and options.

Who do we collaborate with?

We are working with gpe gGmbH. Officially, the program is called “Vorbereitung und Begleitung des Übergangs in den Beruf für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Behinderungen in Rheinland-Pfalz (IFD-ÜSB)“.

Our work is financed with funding provided by the Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Versorgung (LSJV) (State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Welfare) and with national funding from the Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Transformation und Digitalisierung (MASTD) (Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization).

How to reach us?

Bjanka Varmaz (project manager)
Telephone: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 401
E-Mail: b.varmaz(at)

Sascha Feldmann
Telephone: 0 61 31 /14 67 4 - 400
E-Mail: s.feldmann(at)

Sophie Müller
Telephone: 0 61 31 /14 67 4 - 425
E-Mail: s.mueller(at)