Counseling for Women with Disabilities KOBRA

“We at KOBRA are well able to understand your worries, because we know what it’s like to live with a disability. As qualified women with disabilities we are active in committees and networks nation- and country-wide advocating for women and girls with disabilities. We offer individual counseling and support regarding problems and questions about all aspects of life. Our counseling is free of charge.”
This is KOBRA
KOBRA stands for “Koordinations- und Beratungsstelle für Frauen und Mädchen mit Behinderungen in Rheinland-Pfalz“ (coordination and information center for women and girls with disabilities in Rhineland-Palatinate). The employees of KOBRA represent the interests of women and girls with disabilities. It goes without saying that trans*women with disabilities are part of this group.
We represent the interests of women with disabilities in political committees. We do lobby work, we network and take a stand on politics. Furthermore, we host professional events and trainings and organize discussion groups and courses.
We offer counseling on all aspects of life, no matter your disability, including:
- Experience of violence
- relationships
- Parents and family
- Independent Living
- Sexuality
- Employment
- Housing options
- Dealing with one’s disability or chronic illness
We counsel and support women and girls with disabilities, their family members and professionals.

Women’s representatives in institutions for persons with disabilities
At our counseling center we support all women’s representatives who work in sheltered workshops and live-in assisted living facilities. If you are a women’s representative and would like to network in Rhineland-Palatinate, get in contact with us. If you would like to talk about questions or problems concerning your work as a women’s representative, we are happy to counsel you and your support person confidentially.
Women with disabilities counsel women with disabilities
At KOBRA we follow the concept of peer counseling, which means that we counselors ourselves are women with disabilities. Consequently, we relate to the interests and problems of women and girls with disabilities (on a personal level). For us, your needs as women and girls with disabilities are important. We support you, so that you can find your own solutions for your problem.

Our KOBRA team
Three qualified women work at KOBRA. Two of us have a disability. We are professionals and relate to the experiences of women with disabilities, having disabilities ourselves. This makes our counseling special.
Olga Hübner (Project management KOBRA)
counselor, contact for women’s representatives in Rhineland-Palatinate
Tel: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 585
Fax: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 440
E-Mail: o.huebner(at)
Nina Becker
Tel: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 405
Fax: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 440
E-Mail: n.becker(at)
Availability: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Jessica Koch
contact for women’s representatives in Rhineland-Palatinate
Tel: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 585
Fax: 0 61 31 / 14 67 4 - 440