Become a member

Why should you become a member?

Membership is the most permanent way to support our work. Becoming a member at the CIL is worthwhile.

The rights and interests of persons with disabilities are our first priority. Using the method of peer counseling is the best example for that, as it means that we offer counseling from persons with disabilities for persons with disabilities. Approximately half of the CIL’s employees have a disability themselves.
We have achieved a lot over the years in our various areas of activity. Besides our free counseling and our services, we also take a political stance on decisions and legislative proposals. As a self-advocacy organization following the motto “nothing about us without us” we are involved in committees. We are always working cross-topic and disability.

Your membership helps us to continue our work and to keep on campaigning for persons with disabilities to the best of our abilities.

Kinds of memberships

There are two kinds of memberships:

  • Voting (regular) members: Voting members must have a disability. They have the right to join discussions at the general meeting, ask questions and make propositions. Regular members are entitled to vote.
  • Supporting members: natural persons without a disability or corporate entities can become supporting members of our organization. Supporting members can ask questions in the general meeting and make propositions, but are not entitled to vote.

How to become a member

You want to become a member? Please contact us via info(at) and we will send you all the necessary information via e-mail.

The yearly membership fee is 25€ at the moment. Ordinary and supporting members are obviously free to choose a higher membership fee.

You can find specific information in our current statutes (German).